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The Green Planet is the region’s first bio-dome that recreates the enchanting world of a tropical forest with its rich biodiversity of over 3,000 plants and animals. The enclosed ecosystem, located at CITY WALK, offers visitors an immersive expedition into the tropics. The unique venue has 4 levels of interaction for visitor with fascinating animal and plant species to see from Sloths, Tucan's and Tree porcupines to South American plants, vines, reptiles, fish and insects. A great destination for families and guests of all ages.
Escape the UAE heat with this Dubai Chill out Ice Lounge experience. Step inside this popular attraction where you'll be served hot chocolate and some starters at sub-zero temperatures and see what it's like to go from desert dunes to 50 degrees Celsius.
The Green Planet :
Chillout Ice Lounge Dubai
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Make this Eid-Al-Fitr brunch in Dubai about celebrating the day with your loved ones.
Read full articleFeel the need! Go in speed to Dubai! Visit in March; it is an awesome time to feel the blues.
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Celebrate Holi in Abu Dhabi to Create a Memorable Festive Experience.
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